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Ceremony for Natural Gas Provision to 101 Locations


Under the coordination of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, with the works of BOTAŞ, EMRA (EPDK) and distribution companies on natural gas provision to 101 locations, the mass service ceremony was organized.

President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN,  Prime Minister Binali YILDIRIM, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Berat ALBAYRAK, Ministers, Deputies, Public Institution and representatives of the executives, mayors, representatives of business and energy companies, representatives of natural gas distribution companies, our General Manager Burhan ÖZCAN, Deputy General Managers, Heads of Department and press members attended the “Ceremony for Natural Gas Provision to 101 Locations” ,was held at the Beştepe Millet Cultural and Convention Center on 20 March 2018.


Tarih: 20/3/2018