Iraq – Türkiye Crude Oil Pipeline
Commenced in 1976, the first tanker loading was performed from the pipeline in 1977. The transportation capacity of the pipeline was increased more than double by various projects and as of 1987 it reached to 70,9 million tonnes per year.
Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline
This line started to operate in 1986 and its capacity is 7,2 million tonnes per year.
Batman – Dörtyol Crude Oil Pipeline
This line started to operate in 1967 as the Türkiye’s first COP and was transferred to BOTAŞ in 1984. Its capacity is 4.5 million tonnes per year.
Dörtyol-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline
Dörtyol-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline, which was put into operation in 2022, is a 37 km long pipeline extending from the beginning of Dörtyol district of Hatay to Ceyhan district of Adana.
With Dörtyol-Ceyhan HPBH, direct shipment of crude oil, which was previously delivered to Dörtyol terminal via Batman-Dörtyol HPBH and then transferred to Ceyhan Terminal by sea transportation and shipped to Ceyhan-Kırıkkale HPBH, has been made possible, without the need for sea transportation.
Bakü – Tblisi – Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline
Bakü – Tblisi – Ceyhan (BTC) Crude Oil Pipeline was constructed in order to transport oil from Caspian region, especially the Azerbaijan oil, to Ceyhan via Azerbaijan and Georgia securely and allowably in terms of the economy and environment and then to world markets by means of tankers.
As a 50 millions tonnes per year transportation capacity, the first tanker loading took place in 2006. The line is operated by our subsidiary, BOTAŞ International Limited Company (BIL).